It’s a common phenomenon that women are overwhelmed with the unavoidable stress and fatigue of daily life. Whether you are trying to balance a busy career, keep up with babies and family, or experiencing pressure around trying to conceive a child, my bodywork offers something extra for the women of today’s world. In addition to maintaining balance in the reproductive organs, abdominal work is a fantastic modality women can use to let go of stuck emotions and toxicity, ignite new passion and creativity, prepare for pregnancy, address  fertility challenges, and ease any anxiety about the birthing experience or life in general. I strive to help women feel nourished and supported through all phases of life. 


Prepare for your pregnancy with massage to:

  • Release stuck tissue and stagnated fluid

  • Increase blood supply, lymphatic fluid, and nervous system communication in the belly and pelvis

  • Release lingering trauma in order to welcome new light, life, information and healing into the pelvis

  • Align and encourage centering of the uterus

Receive regular massage during pregnancy to:

  • Make pregnancy more enjoyable by creating space and ease in the belly, rib cage, and pelvis for mom and baby

  • Increase dopamine and serotonin to improve mood, sleep, cognition, and to promote feelings of well-being and happiness

  • Decrease stress and anxiety which reduces toxic levels cortisol and norepinephrine in the body

  • Promote relaxation and calmness while preparing for birth

Receive regular massage treatments post pregnancy and birthing to:

  • Balance energy and hormones to prevent or relieve postpartum depression

  • Bring the rib cage and belly wall back together

  • Align and lift the organs and tissues of the pelvis and abdomen

  • Drain left over pregnancy fluids allowing for a quicker recovery to pre-baby body

  • Promote relaxation as mom and baby settle into the rhythms of new life, nursing, and everything unexpected

*I give great neck, chest, shoulder, arm and hand treatments to help out with the aches and pains for nursing and sleep deprived mothers


At 38 I had irregular periods and I wanted to get pregnant. We tried to conceive for 6 months with no luck. The Abdominal Massage work I did with Danielle made a HUGE difference. We had a 4 session series after I had my IUD removed and my periods were coming anywhere from every 2 weeks to every 8?? She helped realign my uterus that was tilted to the L side and help drain congestion there and get things moving. Her touch while gentle was also decisive and deep. She held a calm and solid space for me to do this sensitive and intense work. On our third session I felt my uterus pick up, move over and sit back down, then had intense heat flush down my left leg. We both knew a huge shift had happened and then two days later I Finally got my period after 7 weeks of no period and then two weeks after that I was pregnant! It was amazing and I really do feel I owe a large part of my success to my work with Danielle. She is very gifted at what she does and I highly suggest her work to everyone
— Henrietta, Seattle, 2011